Either the GB are figureheads and not the guys really "in charge", or we won't have to wait long for a spectacular crash of some sort.
armageddon maybe ?
one of the contributing factors to me leaving was the realisation we were being led by idiots.
bethel life reinforced that, middle aged ego's trying to suck up to brooklyn.
ray franz book was a final nail for me, because he described the same incompetence along with the same ego's.
Either the GB are figureheads and not the guys really "in charge", or we won't have to wait long for a spectacular crash of some sort.
armageddon maybe ?
yes or no.......what say you?.
i'll start - no!.
of course he will attend--what GB member could resist the limelight as they give a fine witness to jehovah---setting a great example for the rest of the sheep to follow.
or then he might not.
let's pretend jackson actually takes the stand to be potentially interrogated all week.
when would be the soonest we could see this?.
i'm hoping with all my might that he does and ttatt goes global....
i popped into town this morning to buy an anniversary card for mrs cofty.
it is market day on a saturday and it's tourist season so the town was very busy.
here is a picture of the scene from a year ago... two cult carts were in their favourite place being guarded by none other than one of the elders who was on my judicial committee, his wife and another jw woman in her electric disability buggy.
actually--the more i think about this--its perfect:
jw's would never knock on the door of a known apostate-----but by them manning these trollies it gives us a perfect opportunity of anti-witnessing to them. i imagine many dubs have never spoken to an apostate before.
i popped into town this morning to buy an anniversary card for mrs cofty.
it is market day on a saturday and it's tourist season so the town was very busy.
here is a picture of the scene from a year ago... two cult carts were in their favourite place being guarded by none other than one of the elders who was on my judicial committee, his wife and another jw woman in her electric disability buggy.
is it a case of trolly attendants only doing it as an alternative to door knocking--but realising its a lot harder than they thought ?
after all--its easy to stand on a door step for ages if no-ones at home--then slowly creep to the next house---only to be told to leave.
but standing in a public place----to be approached by all and sundry--that takes some balls. then up comes an apostate----!!! i can understand why they ran away.
and money wasn't an issue, what would it be?
walking towards my seat after lunch, i made eye-contact with a j.w.
male walking towards me.
as we were passing, he smiled and said 'hello', so i replied with, 'hello'.. well, if a member of the g.b.
the last assembly i ever endured was wembley ( old ) stadium----about '69 or '70 i think.
i vowed i'd never go to another.
i kept my promise.
walking towards my seat after lunch, i made eye-contact with a j.w.
male walking towards me.
as we were passing, he smiled and said 'hello', so i replied with, 'hello'.. well, if a member of the g.b.
since waking up i find i am bridling at being called 'sister'.
but it feels like an identity that is being forced on me.. i feel like shouting "i have a name you know!".
it is just me or does anyone else recognise this?.
Since waking up I find I am bridling at being called 'sister
especially by your husband--------